Are You Ready to Have Children ?

  1. Begin by asking yourself what your reasons are for wanting children. If it is to mend a troubled relationship with a spouse or significant other, you shouldn't have children. If you feel like no one loves you and you want love from a child, that is not a good reason either.Do you want a part of you in the next generation because you love children and look forward to helping them grow into happy, healthy adults, start thinking about logistics.

  2. Do you have the time to raise a child? If you work 60 hours a week and your spouse is constantly away on business, the child may spend most of their time with a babysitter. Are you both okay with that or will one of you leave your job to stay home with the child?

  3. Children are very expensive. It is estimated that it costs about $250,000 to raise a child until age 18 (that doesn't include college). 
    Does your job support this kind of expense? If you are affording a child by abusing credit cards and taking out loans, you aren't affording it.

  4. Make a plan of what the child's life will be like. Do you both agree on who will care for the child while you are both working, how to discipline your child, where the child will attend school, etc.? Having a partner who shares ideals of raising children is essential.

  5. Think about your health. Are you healthy enough to bear children? Can you abstain from drugs and alcohol long enough to carry a child? Will pregnancy put your life in danger? A doctor can help you answer these questions

Final Question:

Find a couple who already has a small child. Ask them on how they attempt to improve their child's discipline, patience, tolerance, toilet training, and children’s table manners. Ask yourself are you willing to EXCEED that?