If you’re a fashionista, you may have thought about how to start a fashion label before. Many successful clothing designers have started this type of business on a shoe-string budget. After all, if you have the equipment and the know-how to make your own clothes, there’s not a lot to hold you back from making a few items to sell.
Of course, if you would like to launch your new clothing line in a more spectacular way and you have the funds, you could certainly do so.
One of the first things to consider when you decide how to start a fashion label is how you will sell your new fashion creations. Some options to consider are opening your own retail store, designing a website and selling your clothing products online, or selling to other boutiques.
If you decide to let someone else sell your designs in their stores, you will need to think about whether you would like to receive upfront payment or whether you would like for them to be sold on commission. This would also be a good time to think about your return policy. Will you accept a return for any reason or will you only accept returns for defects in workmanship?
How To Start A Fashion Label – Products To Sell
Decide what types of items you would like to offer. You might want to start off by specializing in one particular clothing item like dresses, t-shirts, pants, or even bathing suits. If you would like to create a full clothing line, make sure that you design a specific feature that will make each item instantly recognizable as one of your signature creations. Some designers will offer special services such as custom clothing design, custom fitting, and alterations.
When you are thinking about how to start a fashion label consider the equipment that you will need. It can be as simple as a sewing machine and basic sewing supplies. If you are considering opening an entire store that only carries your designs, you will need much more than the basics.
You would need a storefront as well as numerous machines and seamstresses. Clothing racks, hangers, counter space, and mannequins would also be required. You should locate at least two dependable suppliers of high-quality fabric to keep your new operation supplied with raw materials.
Many new businesses fail because of poor management. While you may be able to launch an entire fashion line without any formal design or sewing training, it would be a good idea to attend a few business management classes. Unless you’re independently wealthy, you will have to work very hard at first to minimize waste and control your expenses to keep your new clothing line afloat.
Finding Customers For Your Clothing Line
Once you’ve made a few items, it’s time to find customers to purchase them. If your new clothing line includes items that you can wear yourself, make sure you do so as often as possible. Offer to give free samples to local celebrities in exchange for free publicity.
Use social media to your advantage. Many large corporations are leveraging Facebook and Twitter for their marketing potential in addition to using their own corporate websites. Run advertisements in local newspapers if your budget allows, and contact their fashion section to see if they would like to run a story on your new business.
Sell your items at local women’s shows or other festivals. You want to do anything you can think of to get your items noticed.
Once you’ve learned how to start a fashion label and the money is rolling in, you may consider expanding. If you have been concentrating on ladies’ casual wear, consider adding men’s, children’s, or formal wear. Lingerie, purses, shoes, belts, and jewelry could be companion lines to sell along with your primary products.
Many designers will also branch out into makeup or fragrance lines. Expansion will only be limited by your imagination and your budget, but you should also take your customer’s tastes and desires into consideration.