Marketing your T-Shirt Printing Business

The Basics

Always have business cards available, local flyers and wear your own T-Shirts as much as possible. How about that for free advertising?
When I still had Tie-Dye T-shirt business I was on holiday in a different city and was wearing one of my T-shirts. I was asked by an Australian backpacker where I got my T-shirt from. Unfortunately he was leaving the next day and all my stock was at home.
Call up the store you want to sell to and ask to speak to the owner, buyer or manager. Make an appointment to meet them and show your samples, product, information and wholesale prices. Include your contact information as well. If they are interested, they will contact you and place an order. 

Or you can offer your shirts on consignment. This is when the retailer keeps your t-shirts without paying for them until they have been sold. After they are sold, they pay you and they keep a percentage that you agree upon. This has not worked for everyone. I have only sold on consignment when I have known the shopkeeper because I believe there should be an element of trust involved.

Start a Website and a Blog

Have a main Website

This is where you will advertise your product and continue to update your site depending on new arrivals, different T-shirts that you have printed recently and take old stock off the site.

Add Google Adsense and there are also other programs to add if you prefer to go that route, such as Adbrite or Chitika. Make sure all your contact details are on your site. There should be a method of payment and a means of reaching you. Don’t forget the small print like shipping print as well as prices of your T-shirts.

Start a Blog
A blog is   always a slow process, but so is a business. The more web presence you have the better. You should monetize your blog with Google Adwords.

Keywords are vital. Target the right keywords so that your visitors will be sent to the right pages and more keep on coming.

You should definitely do some SEO research on this subject. Keywords take some time to learn about so don’t get discouraged. Learn how Google Adsense works. Don’t waste money on Advertising. The basic rule of thumb is that you should make at least 1 sale off every 100 visits you get off your blog or website.

Make your blog look  presentable so that it attracts your visitors. It is a great way to interact with your customers and it allows you to chat with them informally.

e-mail Marketing Campaign

Send e-mails out to various people you have had contact with. This should not be spam, but this could be over Facebook or over Twitter. People are always looking for a contact for someone to print T-shirts for their church or local sports team.
Mention to people what you are doing and word of mouth will spread. 
These are two of the top e-marketing sites that will help get your business off the ground. They are also legal!


Sometimes it may be a challenge, dealing with various daily conflicts, but you will probably learn something new everyday as well, which is definitely more than worth it!
Blast emails
Some people might consider an email blast spam, but it basically works in a way that you would send a whole lot of emails to people such as when your store is having a sale or to keep people updated with a product of yours. People can sign up and have the choice to opt out of the emails. An email blast service will make life a lot easier doing everything for you with a software program. You could also use one of the many email blast companies which provide this service.